
missionary church Leadership

Travel Reimbursement Policy

The GOC Finance Team recently instituted some changes regarding travel, lodging, and meal reimbursements.Those changes include:

Hotel Reimbursements
Hotel reimbursements will be up to the nightly rate of the group hotel offered. You may choose to book your own hotel but will be reimbursed only up to the cost of the group hotel. When a group hotel is not provided, CONUS rates should be used as a guideline.

The least expensive mode of travel should be chosen among:
Mileage • Standard rental car plus gas • Airfare

  • If a drive is more than five hours, airfare will be reimbursed if tickets are purchased, even if other options would be cheaper.

  • The least expensive of the three will be the maximum amount that will be reimbursed. For example,

    • If airfare is less expensive but one chooses to drive, the amount of airfare will be reimbursed.
      If a standard rental car plus gas is less expensive but one chooses to drive a personal vehicle, the amount of rental car plus gas will be reimbursed. You may use a tool like Enterprise's Rental vs Mileage tool to estimate. A screenshot may be submitted for reimbursement.

Flights should be booked as far in advance as possible to secure the best rates, and no later than two weeks prior to the event.

If flying, Uber, shuttles, carpooling, etc. should be considered first for ground transportation before renting a car for reimbursement.
Meals and incidentals should not exceed the published CONUS rates for the area where you are travelling and staying.

Hilton Garden Inn Fort Wayne


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