What is prayer?
Paul wrote to Timothy, “I urge, then, first of all, requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone” – 1 Timothy 2:1.
In Acts 6:4, when ministry demands increased, the disciples made arrangement for that expansion and then said, “but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Prayer was of first importance for leaders.
Scripture tells us that the early church gave themselves to four disciplines: “the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer” – Acts 2:42.
In Acts 13, the disciples were seeking the Lord in a time of fasting and worship, and during that time the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them. So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.”
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He said, “When you pray” — not “if” but “when” you pray. The first request was, “your kingdom come, your will be done.”
What is prayfirst?
It is a Network of Prayer coordinators who…
Partner with pastors to help the church become a house of prayer.
Connect monthly by conference call to pray for one another, for the needs of the church, and for the expansion of the Kingdom.
Exchange ideas, resources, and encouragement on Facebook and in other ways.
It is a call to prayer for…
God’s anointing, leading, and protection for pastors and those in leadership.
The multiplication of disciples through the Missionary Church around the world.
Perpetual renewal/revival in local churches and throughout the country.
Unity as Jesus prayed in John 17:1-25.
Grace and protection for believers around the world who are persecuted for their faith.
prayer events
Monthly prayer focus
Each month we provide an intentional prayer guide with a focused theme, daily prayers, and scriptures to pray as one church united in one mission.
We are calling the church to united prayer.
We encourage churches and individuals to set aside the first Friday of the month as a day of fasting and prayer for the awakening of the church and the advancement of the Kingdom.
First Friday Fast
prayer awakening conference
September 15-16, 2025
A great way to refresh, renew, and refocus your emphasis on prayer.
As we continue to call our people to prayer and urge churches to become houses of prayer — truly praying churches — the PRAYER AWAKENING conference provides an opportunity for pastors, lay leaders, and prayer coordinators to be challenged and encouraged and to experience great times of corporate prayer.

Interactive Prayer Experience
We invite you and your church to participate in this moving prayer experience. Gather your materials, prepare your heart and mind for this time, and begin the video. We are confident you will be blessed.
Materials suggested: rusty cross, vial of oil, sandpaper, buffing cloth, and a journal.
If you would like to order materials for members of your church or small group, call 260-747-2027 or email debbiecombs@mcusa.org for information.
resources to help in your prayer ministry
Prayer Aids
Suggestion for Prayer Coordinators: Begin the New Year with a Prayer Event in January
(from “Partners in Prayer” by John Maxwell pp.140-141)Step 1
*Select the date ASAP and get it on the church calendar.Begin early to make your church aware of this event by announcements in your church newsletter and Sunday Bulletins.
Sign-up sheets should be made available in December to Adult Classes and at the Information Desk in the church foyer. (DO NOT WAIT UNTIL JANUARY—CALENDARS FILL UP QUICKLY)
*NOTE: When selecting a date the second or third Saturday in January is usually best—by then people will be ready to think about the New Year—Christmas is now over. When setting dates always be aware of other church and community activities—then people will not have to chose one over the other.
Step 2
Ask your pastor or staff person to plan an in-depth lesson focused on “How to Grow in Your Prayer Life”.Make your request early—never wait until the last minute.
Some good topics include praise, thanksgiving, intercession, meditation, listening to God, praying Scripture, How to pray for others, etc.
Step 3
COMPONENTS OF AN ENCOURAGING BREAKFASTFood and Fellowship (45-60 minutes) great way to establish easy interaction. (Menu suggestions: egg casseroles, muffins, juice & coffee)
Worship (15minutes) is the best way to prepare hearts to hear God’s Word.
Equipping (45 minutes) Make sure lesson gives specific truths to think about.
Prayer (30 minutes)
Since the focus of this ministry is on prayer, it should always be the last thing you do together. While still in one large group, share some recent answers to prayer, since this reminds participants of the results and value of prayer ministry. Then list current prayer requests for the pastors and the church.
Divide everyone into small prayer groups of three or four. First, remind them of how they can apply the day’s lesson to this prayer time. Ask them to share personal prayer requests for five to ten minutes. Then they will pray for the church, the pastors, and each other for twenty to thirty minutes. John Maxwell recommends that you tell them they are dismissed when their group has finished praying.
Reclaim a Generation - 21 days of prayer for schools” by Cheryl Sacks.
It is available on Amazon and on Prayer Shop publishing.
Prayer Initiatives
news from PrayFirst!