A Beginning as Simple as a Conversation

World Partners staff members Nathan and Christina Duran have not been in Argentina for long, but they are already making a difference! Nathan is part of a small group that goes weekly to a hospital to feed homeless and sick people. The small group appropriately named themselves Samaritan Ministries.

Nathan’s small group is made up of former addicts, ex-cons, and former Spiritist priests. Every week the men in Samaritan Ministries give of what they have in order to provide a meal for the homeless people. As a result of this ministry, eleven people have committed their lives to Christ.

During one visit, a woman was at the hospital in critical condition after attempting suicide. Several of the men started a conversation with the woman’s family who were with her.  The doctors were certain that the woman would die from her attempt, but the family saw God miraculously spare her life. Because of this, over twenty members of the woman’s family gave their lives to Christ that night. Weeks later, the family matriarch let the Samaritan Ministries men know that her whole family radically changed that night for the better.

The men in the Samaritan Ministries group are living examples of what discipleship is and how lives are being changed by Christ with a beginning as simple as a conversation.

Photo: Nathan Duran and his small group


Spring Quarter Enrollment:
