History has recorded at least three great awakenings. The first (1730s-1740s) impacted Europe and British America and was primarily an awakening within the Church. The second awakening (1790-1820) had a greater focus on the unchurched. The Cane Ridge Revival in Kentucky was a part of that second awakening. The third awakening (1850s-1900s) brought about the modern Pentecostal movement and the Holiness movement. The Fulton Street Revival in New York and the Azusa Street Revival in California were a part of this third awakening.If the early 1900s was the last awakening, it has been 100 years since we have had a move of the Spirit of God that has impacted this nation. Our attention recently has been turned to the horrendous act of violence in Las Vegas. News media, politicians and pundits are debating issues like gun control and a call for enhanced security in public venues.We can outlaw gun ownership and we can increase security but the greatest need is a spiritual awakening in America. Until we are awakened to our need of God, we will see continual acts of violence and security screening in every venue will become the norm.I have prayed for revival for a long time. We need more than revival, we need another great awakening in America.


IN THE AFTERMATH – Sutherland Springs, Texas


PLI Winter 2018 (December-January-February)