In September 2015, I began to experience tremors and balance issues. A visit to my primary care doctor resulted in cursory treatment without a definite diagnosis. The symptoms progressed over the next 18 months and included vision and speech problems.During this period, I had many scans, diagnostic tests and even tests searching for parasites. (That was fun!) I began to fall backwards and lost consciousness on two occasions that resulted in ER visits.Finally, in March 2017, after seeing three neurologists (two in Knoxville and one at University Hospital in Lexington, KY), I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). Approximately 15,000 people in the U.S. have the disease. The neurologist explained that this is an incurable disease with no known treatment. Further, within a few years I would likely die, but along the way, I would be confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak or eat and my body would most likely become rigid. What a horrible future!Obviously, my work was abruptly altered. Soon I found myself unable to focus my eyes or even blink. I had to curtail my driving. At one point I had 20 falls in a 30-day period.With the encouragement of my wife and friends I attended a prayer meeting in Dalton, Georgia. After 45 minutes of prayer God gave the result that none of the doctors could provide.I WAS HEALED IMMEDIATELY! My eyesight improved and as the days progressed, I realized I was steady on my feet and my words were clear and smooth. What a great work of the Holy Spirit!I had been scheduled for a neurological workup with a movement disorder specialist in February 2018 at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, TN. This would be the fourth neurologist. As it turned out, upon my return from Dalton, I received a call from Vanderbilt indicating that they had a cancellation and asked if I could come the next day.Nine days after God healed me (October 26, 2017) I was examined and put through a battery of testing with Dr. Isaac, the movement disorder specialist. Dr. Isaac had reviewed all of the various diagnostic testing results from the three previous neurologists and results from two radiologists’ reports.After two hours at Vanderbilt Hospital, my wife and I were taken into Dr. Isaac’s office. We were informed that he found no evidence consistent with what the other three neurologists reported.  Further he showed us slides from the MRI. He explained that what we were seeing were normal views of my 70 year old brain.I knew that nine days earlier that I had received a DIVINE TOUCH. I celebrated with the doctor about what God had done. He then explained what the three other neurologists and radiologist who had made the report said. HAD GOD CHANGED THE MRI? I know He changed me!On Monday, October 15, 2018, I returned to Vanderbilt for a 12-month follow-up visit; this time with three doctors.One doctor, after examining me said, “We don’t understand this but there has been a sudden reversal of all symptoms.”The second doctor said, “There is no medical or scientific diagnosis that would satisfactorily explain your recovery from a “progressive” disease such as PSP, but I’m leaning towards DIVINE INTERVENTION.”I don’t understand all of this. In my 49 years of Christian ministry, I’ve seen many spectacular things …  “God stuff” – but never this.I am very grateful for this gift and I just want everyone to know that my loving God is AMAZING!Dan Palmer is credentialed in the Missionary Church and has provided leadership in church multiplication in both the East Central and Connect Regions. He serves the denomination as the chairman of the national Extenuating Circumstances Committee. He was instrumental in much of the early church planting work for the Missionary Church in the Southeast part of the US and has now been able to return to serving as the leader for our Georgia/Alabama network of churches.


