A Note from PLI

Greetings, Pastor!

Looking back at my own ordination service in 1991, the most important words spoken by my denomination leaders were, “We believe God has called you into Christian ministry.” It was a clear declaration against every doubt I may have had about my place in vocational Christian service. Since then, whenever I have wondered whether I should be doing something else, my ministry has found renewed affirmation in the words, “We believe God has called you…”

By now you have certainly heard that the Pastoral Leadership Institute (PLI) has decreased its tuition from $400 to $200 per course. PLI still believes in serving tomorrow’s leaders by investing in ministry today. The decision to decrease tuition costs at PLI was an easy one, and is just another way of saying, “We want to invest in you and affirm those whom God is calling into ministry from your church.”

What a privilege to be able to partner with a gifted leadership team and faithful eProfs as together we get to serve some of God’s choicest servants in ministry today. The future of PLI remains strong. Over the next few months you will hear of other new ways God is shaping the vision of PLI, including how we are delivering our courses using a live video platform, offering a more engaged learning environment.

If we can be of service to those from your church who are preparing for vocational ministry or if there is anyone in your congregation who simply desires to participate in continuing education for personal enrichment, please let us know. We’d be honored to walk beside you and affirm the ministry God is doing in and through you!

Praying Luke 10:2,

Dr. Jim Carder, Director

Pastoral Leadership Institute, MCUSA



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