The Missionary Church is blessed to have one of the best universities in the country, training people in a Christian environment to do ministry in a variety of fields of study. Their focus on discipleship and their concern for the spiritual growth and well-being of students is worth celebrating.

The founders of Bethel College (now Bethel University) were men of prayer who sought the Lord’s direction as they formed a school to train men and women for Christian service. Through the years, there have been godly men and women who have taught and given leadership to the growth of Bethel.

Many students have come to faith while studying at Bethel. Other students have led in seasons of prayer. Parents and grandparents have prayed for Bethel. Churches have kept Bethel in prayer through the years.

One of the reasons Bethel has had the impact it has had through the years is because of the thread of prayer that has been woven through her history. If Bethel is to continue to have an impact on students, and ultimately on society, she will need the prayers of churches, parents, friends, and alumni.

February 27, 2020, is COLLEGIATE DAY OF PRAYER. The Collegiate Day of Prayer organizers are challenging believers and churches to adopt colleges and universities to pray for them — to pray for a student awakening.

It is appropriate that the Missionary Church unite to pray for Bethel University. In addition to a general call to prayer for Bethel University on February 27, we are inviting anyone in the area, or able to travel to the area, to join in a time of prayer on Bethel's campus at 10:00 AM on that Thursday.

In order for us to most effectively plan our prayer time, it will be helpful to know how many will participate. If you plan to join us on the 27th at Bethel, please complete this brief form to register.

Some of the great revivals have started on college campuses. Collegiate Day of Prayer has suggested a Three-Phase Approach to praying for a student awakening, which is outlined below.

A Three-Phase Approach to Praying for a Student Awakening:

1) Pray for an Open Heaven — A Posture of Worship & Adoration

  • Pray for the fullness of the power and presence of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for an accurate view of the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for a renewed passion and an intimate affection for Jesus Christ.

2) Pray for an Open Heart — A Posture of Humility & Submission

  • Pray for a response of faith, humility, and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for a turning away from anything that would hinder a strong relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for a revelation of the unfailing love, comfort, and adoption of the Father through faith in Jesus Christ.

3) Pray for an Open Hand — A Posture of Joyful & Sacrificial Giving

  • Pray for students to joyfully share the hope of Christ’s love through generous acts of compassion and evangelism.
  • Pray for students to defend the defenseless and care for the orphans and the widows.
  • Pray for students to finish the remaining task of evangelizing every tongue, tribe, and nation in this generation for the glory and pleasure of Jesus Christ.

These are good prayer points to pray for Bethel and other universities throughout the year. Go to for more information, for resources, and to adopt a campus. You can adopt Bethel as well as your local universities. Pray for an awakening on campuses across the nation.




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