Discipleship Trainings Due to the Global Initiative

Your financial support of the Global Initiative enables World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinators and World Partners staff to receive grants to conduct discipleship training events and travel to coach and encourage leaders. Here are some discipleship events that have taken place or will take place soon because of your involvement in the Global Initiative:~ A World Partners staff member will lead a discipleship training in South Asia this month. The training on how to be and make disciples of Jesus will be held specifically for women. At the conclusion of the training, the attendees will start their own small discipleship groups with other believers. In the small groups, they will read the Bible and pray, and each person will have the opportunity to lead. They are shown and taught how to start more small discipleship groups and engage non-believers. ~ A discipleship training held in the Philippines was attended by pastors and leaders from five different local churches. What it means to be a true disciple was the topic of discussion, along with the impediments to discipleship movements. Another training to be conducted later this year is being planned for additional leaders and youth.~ A trip to India is planned this year to hold an additional training course for disciples and to coach and encourage the disciples who are already discipling others. During this trip, leaders will consider a new target area for discipleship ministry. ~ A staff member shares that last month in Pakistan 32 individuals graduated from a Bible school where a World Partners staff member is involved. These graduates are disciple-makers who will become pastors and church planters.Your donations to the Global Initiative fuel the multiplication of disciples around the world.  Thank you for partnering with us!


The Power of Gratitude for a New Year


New World Partners Director of Strategic Partnerships