Erdels Retire from World Partners

Dave and Lolly Erdel joined World Partners’ missionary team in 1981.  Forty-one years of faithful service later, they retired on September 30, 2022. 

The Erdels’ chosen life verse was 1 Thessalonians 2:8, “We were delighted to share not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” The Erdels lived out this verse daily, while ministering in Ecuador.

For both Dave and Lolly, Ecuador has long been “home.” Dave’s parents served as missionaries during his elementary years. In junior high, the family returned to the United States. There he earned his high school diploma, followed by degrees from Fort Wayne Bible College and Trinity Evangelical School.

Lolly was also a child of missionaries and grew up in a very rural area of Ecuador. As a young adult, she became a nurse with a view toward overseas service.

Dave and Lolly have had a varied ministry during their years in Ecuador. They have worked in churches without pastors and helped plant a new congregation. Lolly has worked with children, youth, and women, served as mission bookkeeper, and provided hospitality for many guests. Dave has kept a regular schedule of preaching and Bible studies, helped manage the mission bookstore and campground, and been involved in field administration. He coordinated the leadership training program co-sponsored by the mission and national church. He developed a seminary curriculum and format suited to the needs of northwest Ecuador and taught Bible and theology in six of the seminary’s extension centers. All of these varied tasks have enabled Dave and Lolly to share the Good News and make new disciples along the way.

The Erdels state, “We are very grateful for your faithful prayers and generous gifts across the years. Thank you so much for all that you have done for us as we served the Lord together as partners in the gospel.” World Partners is extremely grateful for the Erdels’ faithful service, and we wish them much happiness in their retirement!


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