“In the midst of the chaos and division, Congressional Prayer Caucus Chair Senator James Lankford sends a timely message promoting the need to pray for all our leaders. Lankford notes, ‘Usually after a couple of snide comments about Washington, D.C. and the state of the nation, people say to me, ‘I could never work with the people you work with; they would drive me crazy.’ I typically just smile and ask, ‘Would you join me in praying for them? They are my mission field.’” — The National Prayer Caucus Foundation

Senator Lankford’s comment is a reminder that we have a mission. We are commanded to make disciples of Jesus. While the pandemic and political unrest are serious issues, they can easily become a distraction from the call God has placed on His Church. The pandemic and the political climate may actually provide increased opportunities to share the good news of Jesus. This is the time to ask the Lord to open our eyes to see the world as He sees it and to see the harvest that He says is ready.

Our call to fasting and prayer is not about ending a pandemic or determining who serves in Washington, DC. Our call to prayer and fasting is about being and making disciples in the midst of pandemics and about being the Church regardless of who serves in Washington. Those are important issues. However, whether there is a health crisis or a government that is less than favorable toward the Church, our mission remains unchanged.

Once again, we face the danger of allowing the world to dictate the agenda of the Church. The FIRST FRIDAY FAST is a call to prayer to keep us focused on God’s agenda. God’s agenda includes these six key foci:

  • That the Missionary Church would be white-hot for Jesus — that we would love Him more and more (Matthew 22:37).

  • That the Missionary Church would remain committed to the Word and fully dependent on the leading and power of the Spirit of God (Proverbs 3:5-6Psalm 143:10Hebrews 4:12).

  • That the Missionary Church would intentionally pursue holiness of heart and life (Hebrews 12:141 Peter 1:15).

  • That the heart of the Missionary Church would be continually broken for lost people (Matthew 23:37).

  • That the Missionary Church would lead in our commitment to the multiplication of disciples among all people groups, foreign and domestic (2 Corinthians 9:10).

  • That the Missionary Church would be leaders in ministry to the social needs of our nation (Proverbs 31:8-9Isaiah 58:6-7).

The next FIRST FRIDAY FAST is February 5. Our country desperately needs Jesus. Jesus wept over Jerusalem because He saw them as sheep without a shepherd.

Could you — would you — set aside one day to fast and pray for a multiplication of disciples? Pray that God would use the Missionary Church as a witness in the world.

Visit our First Friday Fast webpage for more on the Missionary Church call to prayer that includes the First Friday Fast.


World Partners Staff Member Jessica Boshaw Raises Full Support
