First Friday Fast - Resource

As we approach the first Friday of November we want to make you aware of a resource to help you observe the First Friday Fast. It comes in the form of a bulletin insert that includes a few thoughts on how and why to fast and some prayer requests to fuel the times of prayer. You can download this bulletin insert at

The value of prayer cannot be overstated. We live in a divided culture. The authority of Scripture is being challenged in many arenas. Many churches have struggled through the past 18 months because of the pandemic and the political climate.

It isn’t all bad news, however. During all of this, and perhaps because of all the turmoil, people are coming to faith in Christ. Several churches have recorded multiple baptisms this summer. There is a shaking taking place in the country and in the Church. The shaking that is taking place is prime time for the Spirit of God to move in our churches and in the nation.

Every great move of God, from Pentecost to modern times, has been birthed in prayer. This is a prime time for the Church to fast and pray for revival. Over the past several months as I have prayed for revival, I regularly pray that the Lord would stir my own heart afresh. Revival begins with the people who are praying and moves out from there. I long to see revival that takes us to a deeper intimacy with our heavenly Father, that increases our desire to be holy people of God, that reminds us that we can do nothing apart from Him, that increases our brokenness for lost people, renews our commitment to make disciples, and opens our eyes and hearts to the human needs around us.

I long to see a revival that so enlivens the Church that the secular world wants a taste of it. It isn’t an emotional experience that I look for but changed hearts that in unity engage the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people in the community.

The call to a FIRST FRIDAY FAST is not just something else to promote. It is an invitation to be a part of what God is doing to revive His Church and awaken a nation.




United in Christ