How Church Leaders are Responding to the Challenges of COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) creeped onto the world scene only a few months ago and has spread at breakneck speed, disrupting societies, social units, healthcare systems, and entire economies. Many are wondering how the Church, historically a beacon of hope in times of distress, is faring.Because we wanted to know more about how churches were doing early in this crisis, we wanted to reach out (quickly) to a large number of churches. In partnership with The Billy Graham Center’s Send Institute, Leadership Network, Catalyst, the Association of Related Churches (ARC), and, Exponential surveyed a (non-random) sample of pastors and church leaders, seeking to understand their church’s current response. Over 1,500 church leaders replied.In the findings of this report you will find:

  • 4 key findings of what pastors and churches are working through as they walk through the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Analysis and insights of statistical responses for how engagement, finances, church size and other issues are currently impacting churches
  • How churches are adapting to the use of technology and the response of their churches to moving to online ministry
  • A full list of innovations many churches have implemented that you may find helpful in your particular church setting



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Ed Stezer resource for churches and pastors