Rev. Joshua and Missy Saune have been officially approved as World Partners staff to Peru. Joshua is an Inca Indian born in Peru. Missy is of Hopi and Mojave Indian descent.Joshua was born and raised in Peru. He finished his biblical studies at Latin America Bible College in California and became ordained with the Missionary Church, Inc. in 2000. Missy was born and raised on the Colorado River Indian Tribes reservation in Arizona. Missy completed her studies as a Medical Assistant in Arizona. Both Joshua and Missy come from families of translators. Joshua’s older brother translated the Bible into Quechua and Missy’s great-grandmother translated the Bible into the Hopi language. Joshua and Missy have been married for thirty years and have five children and one grandson.The Saunes’ desire is to strengthen the Quechua and assist other indigenous churches through training pastors and church leaders in the Word of God; evangelism & discipleship; and helps, which include medical outreach, children ministries and aiding with church construction.  They have lived in Peru for twenty years, where they work with more than 2,000 churches among nine people groups.  They also translate most of their teaching materials into the Quechua language, including the Jesus Film, which they have shown throughout the Andean mountains.If you would like to know more about Joshua and Missy or join their team you can find their biography on the World Partners website at


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