New World Partners Staff

World Partners welcomes Premous and Peace Awung as our new staff in Nigeria. Premous’s connection to World Partners began years ago when he shared co-leadership of the Nicosia International Church in Cyprus with World Partners Director of International Development Rick Dugan. He facilitated various disciple-making movements that launched from Cyprus. Then, Premous and Peace returned to Cameroon where Premous continued to make disciples and develop networks of disciple makers. They then continued their work of making disciples from their current home in Nigeria. For the last ten years, he has worked as a ministry partner alongside World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator Ezekiel Ango. Peace is also a strong disciple maker and has a fruitful disciple-making ministry. Premous states, “By the grace of God I have seen many generations of disciples emerge from my discipleship efforts of sixteen years. By God’s grace this will continue.”World Partners welcomes Kennedy and Lucy Nkezea as new staff in Cameroon. Both Kennedy and Lucy show the love of Christ by assisting the disadvantaged individuals in their neighborhood. They also both make disciples and are teaching others in different denominations what being a disciple means as well as how to disciple other individuals. Kennedy has an extensive network of disciples who are currently launching discipleship movements throughout Africa. Kennedy states, “Denominational barriers to unity in Christ are being broken. One must be accountable and reproduce the Christ in themselves so they can share it to help others also see Christ in their lives.”World Partners welcomes Zoli and Tanja Vegel as our new staff in Serbia. Zoli and Tanja came to know World Partners and understand disciple making through a World Partners staff couple in Bulgaria that they continue to partner in ministry with. Zoli is the lead pastor of a church through the Protestant Christian Fellowship of Serbia churches. He is leading his congregation through what it means to be a disciple and how to disciple others and have a personal relationship with Christ. Tanja is currently leading four women in prophetic studies and discipling another woman. Zoli became a volunteer with the Red Cross during the pandemic to be able to reach out to those who are suffering in his community. Zoli and Tanja are involved in the community to reach the lost and share the love of Christ and show their neighbors that being a Christian and disciple of Christ is normal. They both have made and continue to make disciples. Zoli states, “The area we are in has a strong Eastern Orthodox religious background and Christianity is viewed as a cult. I bring leaders together of different denominations so they can learn about discipleship.”World Partners is excited to welcome these new staff members who are making disciples around the world!


