Pastor Appreciation Month

The Missionary Church is blessed with well over 1200 pastors, men and women, who have given themselves to the Lord by serving His local church. Many have given up other opportunities to pursue this call on their lives and it has likely been a sacrificial choice for them and their families. The leadership of the Missionary Church thanks God for their sacrifice, commitment and service! We celebrate them! We appreciate them!October is known in the church as Pastor Appreciation Month so from MCUSA National Office we are sending out cards of appreciation to them. However, being “loved on” by the people they serve is so much more meaningful to them. Since each pastor is different and their needs vary significantly, the ways in which you can put “flesh” on that love is limited only by your imagination. If you are like me, I need help knowing how to do that! Here are a few ideas to help celebrate your pastors:

  • Provide pastor and spouse with a night out that includes free childcare and a gift card to a restaurant.
  • Have different members of the congregation sign up to write a card of appreciation every day – it does not need to have a gift card included but if that is what the Lord leads the person to do, great!
  • Go visit pastor/family and pray for him/her.
  • Give a gift to pastor’s children.
  • “Shout out” on Facebook or other social media about how much you appreciate your pastor – be specific.
  • Leave a gift basket of fruit/vegetables/whatever on the doorstep, ring the doorbell and see if you can hide so they don’t know who it came from.
  • Give a gift card to a spa, nail salon, facial, massage, etc. – most likely the ladies would like this J!
  • Pay for a night’s stay at a nice hotel.
  • Put a whiteboard in the lobby and have people put words of encouragement on it for all to see.

For even more fun ideas, check out this blog. You can also find fun ideas on Pinterest or Google.Let’s ‘love on’ our pastors this October and when you do will you let us know how it went? We’d love to brag on you in future publications.


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