Planting Seeds Leads to Generations of Disciples

In 2010, Regional Strategy Coordinator for Latin America Nat Brown held a discipleship training in Guatemala. The event was poorly attended, and those who did attend did not do much with making disciples for the first six months or so. Disappointed, Nat wondered if the training had been a waste of time and resources.

Fast-forward ten years, and today Nat reports hearing from one of the attendees of that event in 2010. He told of hundreds of new disciples who have been made in three different states and two countries. The group couldn’t give us an accurate count of generations, because things are growing so quickly. Nat states, “He [the attendee] thanked me over and over again for the radical change he has seen in his ministry from the seeds we planted in Guatemala so many years ago. This has really brought home the need to do what the Lord wants and trust him with the results.”

Latin America is not the only place where God is working behind the scenes!  In Africa, Regional Strategy Coordinator Theo Makombe had been discipling a man named Bernard. After a period of time, they lost contact, and Theo was not sure what happened to Bernard or where he had gone. Recently, Theo was surprised to get a group phone call with Bernard and a bunch of his disciples from all over his country! Theo was able to share a word with them, and now this group from the four corners of the country is planning to meet with Theo soon to discuss discipleship.

Last year, World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator Benson Chembe trained sixteen leaders who graduated from a leadership training in discipleship, coaching, and counseling. One of the graduates is currently making disciples at his church and teaching them how to make disciples. Those he is training are Benson’s third generation of disciples. Benson states, “We thank God for this reproduction.”

This week, one of our Regional Strategy Coordinators in Africa is leading a discipleship training of 31 individuals in Nigeria. Only God knows how this group of disciples will reach out to expand the Kingdom!

These few stories serve as an important reminder. Though it may take time, seeds planted by God’s people do take root and flourish, and generations of disciples are raised up in God’s perfect timing.

Photo: Benson Chembe’s disciple leading his church in learning how to make disciples.




The Return