PrayLink | April 12, 2016

UNITED STATES: Congratulations to JIM and OLYA MENDENHALL on the birth of Bejamin Mendenhall on April 3, 2016!MIDDLE EAST: Pray for safety for a STAFF MEMBER as she travels from one Middle Eastern country to another today.UNITED STATES: BILL and DEBBIE JONES have concluded leading Breaking Free 101 for another semester at Bethel College. Pray that the students who have been involved with the Breaking Free program over the last nine weeks will share how Christ “freed them,” maintain the freedom they have received, and share it with others. Pray also for Bill as he continues to disciple the six men in the Missions/Discipleship House on the Bethel College campus. Pray the men would continue to be centered on their discipleship of another individual.MIDDLE EAST: A STAFF MEMBER recently spent time with a father and son who are his disciples. They had a good spiritual conversation and the staff member was also able to speak to the rest of the disciples’ family. The daughters in the family are expressing interest in Christianity and attending church as they had never done before. Pray for these women that the seeds of the Gospel will take root and grow. The staff member requests prayer for wisdom as he organizes his daily tasks and implements what is needed to be done.BULGARIA: SARAH HAWKINS had a good conversation with Stefka, the worker of a local flower shop. Stefka shared her testimony with Sarah, prayed with her, and shared with Sarah that she has been asking God to bring people into her life to whom she can minister. JOSH HAWKINS is doing well with learning the Bulgarian language and recently received praise from his language teacher.GUINEA: JIM and DAWN ANDERSON are at a medical conference in Greece through April 14. Pray the information they learned will be applicable when they return to Guinea. Pray also for their travel safety when they leave Greece. Dawn also requests prayer for Fatmata, a woman from her village in Guinea, who is pregnant and due soon. She is pregnant for the fourth time, but her previous babies were stillborn. Pray Fatmata would be safe and her baby would be born healthy.BULGARIA: Pray for LEE DETURK and individuals at the World Baseball Academy (Fort Wayne, IN) as they make final preparations and for travel safety as they leave the U.S. for Bulgaria on April 19. The team will teach the sport of baseball to students at three schools. PETE and URSULA HUBLEY, TROY AMSTUTZ, an intern with Pete and Ursula, and BLAKE and NATE HUBLEY will assist in the teaching as well.SIERRA LEONE: Pray for STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN as they prepare to do a prayer walk in Sierra Leone in May with another couple, Aaron and Min. The group will be praying against strongholds the Lord shows them as well as the many needs amongst the people of Sierra Leone.CYPRUS: Pray for RICK DUGAN as from today through April 15 he will take a radioactive iodine treatment and be in isolation for seven days. This is part of the treatment regimen for Rick due to his thyroid cancer treatment. Doctors assure him that it is a very treatable type of cancer. Pray for Rick and his family as they are apart for the next seven days. Pray also that Rick would not grow discouraged as he is away from his ministry as he recovers.NORTH AFRICA: Pray for an AFFILIATE who had a high blood pressure attack and had to be taken to the hospital. The doctor found that his heart beat is slower than normal and this condition is causing him to feel dizzy.MIDDLE EAST: Pray for the workers at a church Christian radio station who have been informed by the local police that there are credible ISIS threats on the radio station. The police have given training to the staff on how to deal with an attack and have given the station continuous protection. The church is doing impressive ministry amongst the local immigrant population. Pray the Lord would protect the attendees of the church, the workers at the station, and the police providing protection. May God use this threat to bring deepening faith to the believers, and may seekers surrender to Him.


PLI Summer 2016


Global Prayer Network | April 10, 2016