PrayLink | April 5, 2016

NEPAL: Pray as a REGIONAL STRATEGY COORDINATOR (RSC) conducts a discipleship training this week for forty disciple makers in Nepal. The RSC has also started a disciple makers and church planting training in Nepal for twenty students. These students will study throughout 2016 at the New Missionary Bible School in India.GUINEA: Pray for JIM and DAWN ANDERSON as they are at a medical conference in Greece through April 14. Pray the information learned will be useful as it is applied in Guinea.UNITED STATES: SARAH FULLER is thankful for three new workers at the Los Angeles Catholic Worker (LACW) on Skid Row. Pray for the multitude of individuals helped at the LACW as they are dealing with serious illnesses and chronic pain. Pray specifically for Karan and Jesse, who are receiving assistance from the LACW staff. Pray the employees at the LACW can make progress in the area of succession planning so the ministry can carry on into the future. Pray also for peace, trust, and love between the staff and their homeless guests.CYPRUS: Pray for the disciple making taking place among Pakistanis in Cyprus and Pakistan. RICK DUGAN is discipling one young man who in turn has been discipling four other Pakistanis.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL and DEBBIE JONES as they lead a French class on the Bethel Campus in Mishawaka, Indiana, on Thursday, April 7 from 2:00 to 3:20 p.m.CYPRUS: RICK DUGAN requests prayer for Sophie and Annie, two Asian international students studying in Cyprus, who recently asked who Jesus is. Pray for these two as their questions are answered that they would want to continue to find out more about God. Pray also for Gabi and Alice who are ministry interns at Nicosia International Church and share the Gospel weekly with international students.MIDDLE EAST: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER this week as she is part of a medical team training a select group of like-minded men and women from the region in disaster response and transformational community development, so they will be better prepared to help displaced families return home once it is safe. Pray for the team this week also as they see local and refugee patients at clinics. Pray also for the safety for the team as they are in the Middle East.SOUTHEAST ASIA: A STAFF COUPLE request prayers for ministry partners James and Winnie as they transition to full time ministry in a local village. Pray also for James as he has been told by some doctors that he may have cancer. He will be going for more tests soon. He can receive virtually free care at the hospital, but it means that he will have wait to see the doctors. Pray for peace and healing.BULGARIA: JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS request prayer that teachers for their daughter’s school will be called to go to Bulgaria and teach for the next school year as there is a shortage.IRELAND: Praise! RANDY FUDGE’s kidney function has increased.SIERRA LEONE: Pray for STEVE and SHEILA HARRIGAN as they prepare to do a prayer walk throughout Sierra Leone in May. Pray the Lord would bring to them divine encounters and that spiritual strongholds would be broken. Pray against the darkness in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea.BULGARIA: Pray for LEE DETURK and individuals at the World Baseball Academy (Fort Wayne, IN) as they prepare to lead a trip to Bulgaria April 19 to continue to teach the sport of baseball to students at three schools. PETE and URSULA HUBLEY, TROY AMSTUTZ, an intern with Pete and Ursula, and BLAKE and NATE HUBLEY will assist in the teaching as well.


Stepping out of the Tent


Global Prayer Network | April 3, 2016