PrayLink | July 12, 2016

THAILAND: Pray for SHAUN FUTCH as he and DAVID, his ministry partner, lead a discipleship training in the Philippines on July 14. Pray for Shaun’s ministry partners throughout Southeast Asia that God would strengthen them and give them fruit from their work.AFRICA: Pray for a MINISTRY PARTNER who is trying to help four disciples who are living in dangerous countries, but trying to flee to other countries to avoid religious persecution.BULGARIA: The short-term prayer team from Woodburn Missionary Church arrived in Bulgaria. Pray God would open their eyes to the needs in Bulgaria and that the team will be open to promptings of the Holy Spirit. Pray also that a team member’s lost luggage would be found and returned to the team.RUSSIA: Praise! JOHN and JULIE GERIG recently led a church camp for kids. At camp, Yanna, a young girl who has been attending camp for five years, accepted Christ. The Gerigs also request prayer for Masha, a cook at the camp, who has been on the fringe of the Christian community over the past eight years, but has not yet accepted Christ. Continue to pray for the Christian kids who attended camp and those who heard about Christ for the first time. Pray also for Julie as she is having voice issues.BULGARIA: Pray for TROY AMSTUTZ as he completes his internship with PETE and URSULA HUBLEY and returns to the U.S. on July 20.KENYA: Pray for TREY PHILLIPS as he continues his internship with CHARLES KINYANJUI in Kenya.HUNGARY: Pray DAVID and GRACE MCBRIER would receive their approved residency papers from the Hungarian government.Join a STAFF COUPLE as they share about their ministry at Bremen Missionary Church this Wednesday, July 13, at Bremen Missionary Church in Bremen, Indiana.Join a STAFF PERSON as she shares her ministry vision on July 17 at Camden Missionary Church, Camden, Michigan. She is currently raising support to go to the ministry field.Join REBECCA COX as she shares about her ministry in Sheridan, Michigan, on July 17.Join THEO and BRIANA MAKOMBE on July 17 as they share their ministry vision in the evening service at West Missionary Church in Berne, Indiana. The Makombes are currently raising support to go to Rwanda.Join JEREMY and MINDIE TICE on July 17 as they share about their ministry at Galien Missionary Church in Galien, Michigan.The World Partners staff currently in the U.S. will attend an annual retreat in Sturgis, Michigan, July 18-21. Pray that the time at the retreat will be informational and relaxing. Pray also for safe travel for the World Partners staff returning to their respective countries of ministry at the conclusion of the retreat.Pray for God’s continued protection and wisdom for World Partners staff in politically volatile areas.PrayLink will not be published on Tuesday, July 19, due to the World Partners retreat. It will resume publication on Tuesday, July 26.


Global Prayer Network | July 16, 2016


Global Prayer Network | July 10, 2016