PrayLink | June 21, 2016

SARAH FULLER is having an informal drop-in time at her parents’ home for anyone who would like to hear about her ministry to the homeless. It is tomorrow from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at 13 Cecil Street, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.CAMEROON: DAVID BJORK will be on a retreat with the doctoral students from the Cameroon Faculty of Evangelical Theology June 23-24. Pray the time together will encourage and guide the students in their study of the implications of discipleship in Africa.GUINEA: JIM and DAWN ANDERSON are having issues with their vehicle overheating. They are currently traveling from Conakry to their village in Guinea. Pray their vehicle would be able to be fixed and the Andersons will be able to return to their village safely.AUSTRIA: Pray for an AFFILIATE who is participating in the Aid and International Development Forum at the United Nations Conference Center in Thailand now through June 25. The Affiliate also requests prayer for Arefa, who has cancer. Pray for Arefa’s healing, family reunion, and a positive refugee asylum decision for her and her family.SPAIN: Pray for DON and JUDY DAY as they receive a prayer team from Fleetwood Bible Church from June 24-July 7. The team will be ministering in Cheste and Acala de Xivert.HUNGARY: DAVID and GRACE MCBRIER request prayer for a couple they disciple, George and Andrea. They make strides towards the Lord then experience setbacks. Pray this couple would surrender their lives to the Lord and pray for the McBriers as they continue to disciple this couple. The McBriers also request prayer for Beata and her three daughters. Beata seeks guidance from David and Grace. Pray also for David and Grace as they apply for their residency permits at the governmental office on June 23.URUGUAY: Pray for TIM GRETSCHMANN as he disciples Ricardo and SUSANA GRETSCHMANN as she disciples Miriam. Pray also as they lead a Bible study group. Pray for Tim and Susana as they meet to disciple individuals and small groups. Pray also that Tim would receive his documents from the immigration department.BULGARIA: JOSH HAWKINS spoke only in Bulgarian with his landlords, Kulio and Ellie, this week and each were able to understand and respond to each other. Pray Josh would be able to continue to form a relationship with this couple and find opportunities to minister to them. Josh and Sarah also recently became friends with a Bulgarian family and will spend time with them this weekend. Pray for these families as they connect and get to know each other better. Continue to pray for the prayer team going to Bulgaria in July to pray in the Hawkins’ neighborhood. Pray God will prepare the team for the work they will do in Bulgaria and that they will break through strongholds in the neighborhood.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he meets with disciples and counsels individuals throughout the week. Pray also for Bill as he recovers from surgery and that the biopsy of the cysts would be benign.BULGARIA: Pray for BLAKE HUBLEY as he travels to the U.S. today to work for summer before starting college at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana, in the fall. Pray for PETE and URSULA HUBLEY and their family as they adjust to Blake not being in Bulgaria with them.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he meets with disciples and counsels individuals throughout the week. Pray also for Bill as he recovers from surgery and that the biopsy of the cysts would be benign.Pray for and join THEO and BRIANA MAKOMBE on June 19 as they share about their ministry at New Community Church in St. Mary's, Ohio.Pray for and join JEREMY and MINDIE TICE on June 19 as they share about their ministry at Forestbrook Missionary Chruch in South Bend, Indiana.


Global Prayer Network | June 24, 2016


Global Prayer Network | June 20, 2016