PrayLink | June 28, 2016

THAILAND: Pray for SHAUN FUTCH as he is in Mongolia through July 3 to meet with staff and national partners. Pray also for Shaun as he and DAVID, his ministry partner, lead a discipleship training in the Philippines on July 14. Pray for Shaun’s ministry partners throughout South East Asia that God would strengthen them and give them fruit from their work. Shaun also requests prayer in regards to his sister’s family who are facing trials at this time.CYPRUS: Pray for RICK and MADARA DUGAN as they continue to meet with their Cypriot friends who do not yet know Jesus. Rick states, “the relationships are strong and the conversations deep.” Pray these friends would see the light of Christ in Rick and Madara.PAKISTAN/PHILIPPINES: Discipleship trainings will occur in Pakistan and in the Philippines in July. Pray for the leaders conducting the trainings and pray the attendees would want to carry on making disciples in their communities at the conclusion of the trainings.EUROPE: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she and two new ministry partners meet to discuss how they can work together and support and pray for each other.KENYA: Pray for Trey Phillips as he continues his internship with CHARLES KINYANJUI in Kenya.SPAIN: Pray for DON and JUDY DAY as a prayer team from Fleetwood Bible Church is ministering with the Days now through July 7. The team is ministering in Cheste and Acala de Xivert.SOUTH AFRICA: STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER request prayer as they prepare to return to the U.S. for Home Ministry Assignment in September.BULGARIA: A prayer team from the U.S. will be joining JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS in July. Pray for the team as God prepares them for the work they will do while in Bulgaria. Pray the team will shake the spiritual ground in the Hawkins neighborhood. Pray also for Josh and Sarah and their family as they connect with new friends in their neighborhood.GUINEA: Pray for DAWN ANDERSON as she travels to pick up JIM ANDERSON in Mamou, where he has been staying at a guesthouse while their truck is being worked on. Pray for travel safety on this ten hour trip.GUINEA: BRUCE and DAWN CLUCKIE arrived safely in the U.S. to begin their year of Home Ministry Assignment.Join JEREMY and MINDIE TICE on July 3 as they share about their ministry at Beulah Missionary Church in Goshen, Indiana, in Sunday school and the shared morning service.Join THEO and BRIANA MAKOMBE on July 3 as they share their ministry vision at East Main Church of Christ in Greenville, Ohio. The Makombes are currently raising support to go to the field of Rwanda.Join a STAFF COUPLE from South East Asia as they shares about their ministry with individuals in Sunday schools this Sunday, July 3, at Grabill Missionary Church in Grabill, Indiana.We are currently in the month of Ramadan, where Muslims fast during daylight hours in order to seek God more and to earn His forgiveness. Please pray that God would reveal Himself to Muslims who are truly seeking Him, and that God would provide assurance of salvation to those who already know Him.PrayLink will not be published on Tuesday, July 5. It will resume publication on July 12.


North Central District News


Global Prayer Network | June 24, 2016