PrayLink | Nov. 1, 2016

SIERRA LEONE: JANET NICKEL reported on October 19 that two victims of human trafficking went missing. They are ten year old boys who were staying at a shelter run by partner organizations. One of the boys ran away and the other boy is part of a dark situation with a different organization. On October 25, Janet reported they have not yet had any concrete leads as to where the boys could be. Police stations, checkpoints, transportation centers, and border crossing points have been contacted. Janet is charged with following up with police and the Ministry of Social Welfare personnel. Pray for their safety and that they will be found soon. They desperately need to be found and helped. Pray also for those looking for the boys.THAILAND: Pray for SHAUN FUTCH as he travels to India from November 3-14 to visit strategic ministry partners, share about his ministry in churches, and provide training related to discipleship. Pray for ANGIE FUTCH as she leads a creative worship club for youth. Pray also for travel safety as she participates in an education conference in Hong Kong in November. Pray for APRIL FUTCH, daughter of Shaun and Angie, as she leads a Bible study for students in her college dorm.SPAIN: Pray for travel safety for TIM and RUTH STUCK as they leave the U.S. for Spain this Friday evening, November 4. Pray also for Tim and Ruth as they search for a strategic apartment for their ministry as they have several appointments to look at options on Monday. Continue to pray for Tim as he continues to recover from hip surgery and can now walk without a crutch or cane. Pray also that the official residency process which they will begin next month would go smoothly.RUSSIA: Pray for JOHN GERIG as he prepares for a teen ministry conference and leader training weekend he will lead in November.BULGARIA: Praise! JOSH HAWKINS and PETE HUBLEY returned from their ministry trip to Cyprus safely. They were encouraged by what they saw during their time in Cyprus and came back with several ideas on how to proceed with their ministries. Pray for them as they resume their ministry and put new ideas into place.DOMINCAN REPUBLIC: Pray for DAVE and LOLLY ERDEL as they help IEME with leadership development, mentoring, and discipleship training in Santo Domingo.NAIROBI: Praise! A PARTNER of World Partners recently baptized a man in Nairobi. With his baptism this man committed that he and his family would follow and learn more about God.GUINEA: The GUINEA TEAM requests prayer for Dr. Tamba from the town of Soulemania. Pray for wisdom as Dr. Tamba diagnosis and treats patients. Pray his apprentice, Sayon, would learn the trade well. Pray Dr. Tamba and his wife would come to Christ. Pray also for Dansa as he meets with believers and seekers from the towns of Dantilia and Heremakono. Pray the people he meets with would grow in their faith and knowledge of God and His word.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL and DEBBIE JONES as they meet this week with individuals they are discipling.ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she finalizes details and prepares to leave for the ministry field for the first time on November 19.SOUTH EAST ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER and a team of individuals planning for an education conference in January. The team is behind due to new formats they are introducing and because the team is spread out over many different time zones. Pray for the planning and execution of this conference. Pray also as the staff member plans the annual Kids’ Carnival in the local fishing village.JAPAN: Pray for RUSS EPLEY as he recently fell and now his brain is bleeding in the area where he had his stroke over ten years ago. His heartbeat is also irregular and he is not sleeping well. In addition, the blood vessels in his heart have narrowed and he needs to have a balloon procedure in his heart to open the vessels. However, he cannot have this procedure until the medication he takes to thin his blood is out of his system. The doctor is concerned he will lose the muscle tone and strength he has worked hard to achieve since his stroke. FLOSSIE EPLEY believes that all of this will require several months of hospitalization and a significant setback in mobilization. Pray for Russ and Flossie during this difficult time.BULGARIA: Pray for clarity and understanding as JOSH and SARAH HAWKINS resume language classes this week. NEVAEH HAWKINS has been having issues with another student at her school, but through prayer there has been some reconciliation and no conflict. Pray this peace would continue and for Nevaeh as she deals with this situation.Pray for and join STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER as they share about their ministry on Sunday morning, November 6, at Chapel Hill Missionary Church in Jones, Michigan, and West Missionary Church in Berne, Indiana, in the evening.Pray for and join THEO and BRI MAKOMBE as they share their ministry vision at LaMott Missionary Church in Lamott, Michigan, on November 6. Pray also as Theo is serving in ministry in Springfield, Missiouri, from November 7-12.


North Central District News | November 2016


PrayLink | Oct. 25, 2016