PrayLink | Nov. 8, 2016

IRELAND: Pray for CAROLYN FUDGE as she has knee replacement surgery today in the U.S. Carolyn and Randy are on Home Ministry Assignment through the end of December as Carolyn recovers from surgery.BULGARIA: JOSH HAWKINS connected with an American football team in Sofia. He has been in contact with them about possibly coaching. This would be an amazing opportunity to create relationships with guys between the ages of fourteen and forty. Pray as this opportunity will help Josh make relationships in his community which will hopefully lead to more meaningful conversations and discipleship. Josh and Sarah have invited several Bulgarian families to their home for Thanksgiving. Pray it would be a time of building friendship.THAILAND: Pray for SHAUN FUTCH as he travels to India from November 3-14 to visit strategic ministry partners, share about his ministry in churches, and provide training related to discipleship. Pray also for travel safety for ANGIE FUTCH as she participates in an education conference in Hong Kong in November.RUSSIA: Pray for JOHN GERIG as he prepares for a teen ministry conference and leader training weekend he will lead in November.BULGARIA: PETE and URSULA HUBLEY recently started an English club in their apartment. They had interest from several of their youth connections from baseball, and they have become their core. Pray for these youth and for Pete and Ursula as they lead those who are attending.ECUADOR: Pray for DAVE and LOLLY ERDEL as they help IEME with leadership development, mentoring, and discipleship training in Santo Domingo, Ecuador.ASIA: Pray for a PARTNER of World Partners in Asia who is speaking at a conference where a majority of the attendees are not Christians.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as this Thursday he is having some young men he is accompanying in discipleship to his home for a meal. Pray they would bond well and “sharpen” one another as they discuss what they have been learning and doing about being a disciple and making disciples.SOUTH EAST ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she spends time in two shelters for women from other countries who have been rescued from abusive or other difficult situations. She has been teaching English and baking to these women. Pray the Holy Spirit would open hearts and conversations for truth and love to be planted in the hearts of these broken women. Pray for the staff member as she interacts with these women and shows God’s love to them.ASIA: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she finalizes details and prepares to leave for the ministry field for the first time on November 19.Pray for and join STEPHEN and GAYLE BURGSTAHLER as they share about their ministry on Sunday, November 13, at Full Gospel Church in Michigan City, Indiana.


PrayLink | November 22, 2016


Global Prayer Network | Nov. 6, 2016