PrayLink | Sept. 6, 2016

THAILAND: Pray for travel safety for JULIE DEALEY as she returns to Thailand on Wednesday, September 7. Julie was recently in the U.S. on Home Ministry Assignment.BULGARIA: Praise! SARAH HAWKINS was invited to coffee with their landlord, his wife, and a seamstress with a shop in the apartment building. Praise the Lord for continual inroads. Praise! Josh learned a new verb tense in his studies this week, went to a shop, and understood what fellow Bulgarians were saying. This is an encouragement to him as understanding the tenses opened a big door for communication. Continue to pray for Josh and Sarah as they study language.ECUADOR: Pray for TIM STUCK as he recovers from hip surgery at the HCJB guest house in Quito, Ecuador. Pray also for RUTH STUCK as she cares for Tim as he recovers.MIDDLE EAST: A STAFF MEMBER requests prayer for Nazik, an older woman who goes to church fairly regularly. She is showing signs that God’s starting to get through to her. Pray God’s mercy, grace, and healing upon her. The staff member also requests prayer for Babur, who is a believer, but is currently in the hospital and dying.GREECE: Praise! NATHAN and AMY MOSER were able to plant the seed and share the Gospel with three individuals for the first time! Nathan and Amy request prayer for Basilis, a businessman, who spoke with Nathan about the existence of God and his belief in Jesus. Pray for Nick, a Greek-Briton, who told the Mosers he would watch the Jesus film and reflect on the invitation to follow Christ. Pray also for Bej, a young fitness trainer, who spoke with Nathan about how to find meaning in life in Jesus Christ.SIERRA LEONE: Praise! JANET NICKEL reports that the office of the Ministry of Social Welfare has prepared documents which are needed to submit with a proposal allowing the shelter for women who have been caught in human trafficking to stay open for another two years. God has done a great work! Janet also reported that it was encouraging to express to the Ministry of Social Welfare staff their trust in God working this situation out regarding the shelter.UNITED STATES: The “Encountering the World of Islam” class started, but you can still apply. The class is on Mondays from 6-9 p.m. at Broadway Christian Church, 910 Broadway, Fort Wayne, Indiana. For more information, go to STATES: BILL and DEBBIE JONES will lead Breaking Free 101 beginning Monday, September 26, at 7:30 p.m. in Mishawaka, Indiana. The total cost for attending all ten sessions is only $10. Each participant comes with a “partner” of the same gender or their spouse with whom he or she can be open and vulnerable. Please register by sending you and your partner’s full name and email addresses to: or call 574-807-7199.


Global Prayer Network | Sept. 6, 2016
