Quickly establish online giving with Generosity by LifeWay

There’s no better time to set up online giving.

The Bible reminds us that giving is a key part of the Christian life. But with the COVID-19 pandemic at hand, many church members are unable to physically gather and even offer their generous gifts to the church. Amidst a challenging time for many congregations, our team at LifeWay Leadership wants to share an offer that will help.

Generosity by LifeWay is opening its digital giving platform to all churches immediately. This quick and easy opportunity includes:

    •    No initial setup fees•    No monthly subscription fees•    No technology or website experience needed•    A custom giving webpage posted online for you

All you need to do is promote this platform to your church! Don’t let your congregation miss out on the opportunity to give and support your ministry during this difficult season.



Ed Stezer resource for churches and pastors


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