Reflections on Faithful Service

As December 2021 drew to a close, World Partners staff member Jonathan sat at his desk looking over 14 years’ worth of records on the families and students he has served during his time of ministry.Since 2007, Jonathan and his family have been serving in Asia. His primary job has been to offer support, consultation, and resources to expat families facing challenges in education and the development of their children.When he is not working in education, Jonathan assists a ministry for children in a local village and leads a Bible study at a local private school, where teen students discuss topics that are relevant to them from a spiritual perspective. Jonathan has walked with many families through hardships and difficulties, showing them what being a follower and disciple of Christ looks like. As Jonathan reflected on what God has done in and through him and his family in the past decade and a half, he stated, “As I recalled the conversations, the testing, the conferences, and the points of contact with each, I was struck with how big the opportunities have been to invest in these families. What a privilege to walk with them during different parts of their journeys; and for many of them, I know the good outcomes they have realized, and I rejoice in this.”But Jonathan and his family aren’t the only faithful servants in this story. As we rejoice in those this family has touched, we also rejoice in the team behind them. Prayer supporters, financial donors, and those who send messages of encouragement are all necessary pieces in this story of success. We are grateful.




The Power of Gratitude for a New Year