Support for the Mission... The Great Commission

The Missionary Church is committed to Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Great Commission.  As a result we are focused on multiplying disciples to the fourth generation.  Once disciple multiplication reaches the fourth generation the process is no longer dependent on the initial disciple maker and movements are launched.

We depend completely on God to use his Holy Spirit to work through us to accomplish this mission.  We have seen God do amazing things.  In the past 25 years the Missionary Church has grown from 300 to more than 500 churches.

We have been starting 20-30 churches a year.  Now multiplication is beginning to change everything.  There are plans for over 100 church plants in the next 18-24 months.  All are being birthed from a vision to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.  Many of these new churches are already underway as discipling communities.

These are days of great potential.  We need your prayers.  We need your financial support.

Many churches are in the midst of planning their 2019 budget. First, you are encouraged to budget the 2% Investment in Shared Ministries. During August each church should receive a summary of its 2019 responsibility.  Each church's support provides a solid foundation for national ministries.

Secondly, each church is encouraged to budget one or more monthly shares of $25 for church multiplication.  That small commitment will enable us to respond to the opportunities.  Please consider one, two, five or even ten shares per month to support the planting of new churches.

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