What Church leaders can do to help during COVID-19

We conducted this interview last night (Sunday) with Dr. Justin Schwalbe (Family Doctor) and Dr. Martin Magers (Pathologist from Ann Arbor, MI) as they shared their medical perspective on COVID-19 and what the medical community desperately needs from us as church leaders and business leaders.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4vnqILmH9I&feature=youtu.be
Our Executive Pastor spoke with Dr. Mark Fox (the deputy of health for St. Joseph County Dept. of health) this morning offering our church building/property to be used as needed during this crisis and he said they will likely need our building/volunteers and other churches to step up in this way as well. We're waiting to hear back from him on the details.
How To Help Today:
1) Pray -- for our community leaders as they make decisions and prepare for what's coming, for our healthcare workers as they serve the community faithfully, and for those affected by COVID-19
2) Sign up today to donate blood (there is a shortage of blood) -- https://givebloodnow.com/index.cfm?group=op
3) Sign up to make masks for our healthcare workers
4) Join the volunteer team ready to respond as needed
5) Donate financially online towards needs of those affected by COVID-19 with memo "Coronavirus"
We recognize these are uncertain times and yet we know that God is faithful and unchanging and He is called "Wonderful, Counselor, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).
Pastor Jeremy

Microchurches Positioned for a Pandemic
