World Partners COVID-19 Relief Fund

Here in the US, much about “normal life” has changed with the introduction of COVID-19, but one thing that has been consistent for most of us here is our access to food. Sadly, this isn’t true in many other places around the world. In huge stretches of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, the trickle-down impact of COVID-19 continues to worsen. Prevented by government regulations from working, many families continue suffering from lack of food, water, medicine, and other necessities.We’re so pleased to be able to provide relief, thanks to your generous donations, for many of these families. As just one example, in Myanmar twenty families were recently provided with a meal of chicken curry and rice, and food was distributed for them to take home, as well. Three of the poorest communities in the area were also given food. The Regional Strategy Coordinator organizing the efforts states, “Most are still struggling with their daily food and only eat meat when we distribute food to them. I am also able to offer my friendship and fellowship with them and they are very joyful for it also. In the spiritual sense, I can feel that some will be in our flock one day. Thanks again for supporting us to implement this vision of feeding the hungry as it is a blessing for many poor people and a double blessing for us.”World Partners continues to distribute funds from the World Partners COVID-19 Relief Fund to World Partners staff in Nicaragua, Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Malawi, Nigeria, Cameroon, India, and Nepal. Donations to help those in need in Ethiopia and Venezuela will be sent soon. The need has not yet diminished.Absolutely 100% of the funds raised for this project are going to feed those in need. Thank you for your continued generous donations. Hungry people are being fed both physically and spiritually by the World Partners staff and their ministry partners.To give, go to or mail a check made out to World Partners with “T604” in the memo to PO Box 9333, Fort Wayne, IN 46899-9333. Thank you for being an important part of that team.Photo: World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator and his ministry team distributing food to the crowd.


