World Partners’ COVID-19 Response

The World Partners Executive Leadership Team is grateful for your involvement with the ministry of World Partners. During these days of uncertainty that have come with the COVID-19 virus, we felt it was important to let you know what World Partners is doing to protect the missionaries and/or the ministries you support.

  1. We are maintaining an open line of communication with our field staff. As of this writing, all are safe and none have tested positive for the virus.
  2. We are limiting travel. In most cases this has been done for us by the respective governments. Several European countries have instituted a country-wide quarantine, giving residents only limited movement outside their homes.
  3. We have rescheduled Home Ministry Assignment for some staff so they are not granted a 14-day quarantine when they arrive in the United States, and of course, we do not want to expose them to the virus while traveling.
  4. We have told our missionary team to take the precautions that have been given to all of us, but at the same time to look for opportunities to serve those around them. In Israel, they are passing out food to the homeless. In Bulgaria, one of our staff is checking on the football club he is part of and trying to help members of the team with any needs they may have. Many others are simply looking around them to those in need.
  5. We are asking all staff to not hold any large group meetings until it is safe to meet.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Thank you again for your support through finances and your prayers. May God be glorified through even this horrible situation!


World Partners Thanks Bristol Missionary Church!


Collegiate Day of Prayer