World Partners Happenings

  • World Partners Director of Strategic Partnerships Dave Mann, World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator Jeremy Tice, and World Partners staff Pete and Ursula Hubley met in Bulgaria yesterday with the Kazanlak hospital administrator and the deputy mayor. World Partners and the Kazanlak hospital administrators are interested in cooperating in a project involving U.S. college students working alongside staff at the hospital in Kazanlak. Dave states, “The meeting went well and both the hospital and the city said they are in favor of moving ahead with the project. There are a lot of questions which will need to be answered on both sides before anything would be implemented.”
  • World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator for Latin America Nat Brown just returned from Honduras where he met with a number of leaders who want to form the Missionary Church of Honduras. Nat was joined by Pastor Héctor Soto and President of the Missionary Church of Nicaragua Pastor José Salgado.
  • November 17-20 World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator Nat Brown will be in Mexico to meet with the Mexican Missionary Church Board to talk of future involvement in missions. World Partners staff Carlos and Ruth Medina will join Nat for these meetings.
  • Three World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinators (names are being withheld for security reasons) are leading the Northeast India Regional discipleship meeting this week in India. The attendees are leaders who have previously attended a discipleship conference. This meeting will help disciple makers connect and encourage each other as well as hear individual ministry stories of how disciples are being made throughout India. One of the Regional Strategy Coordinators states, “God is at work and things are changing in Northeast India in spite of the power of darkness which is very prevalent.”
  • World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator for Latin America Miguel Arias will be in Cucuta, Colombia, to lead a meeting with ten pastors from various churches and cities in Venezuela. This meeting will take place from November 19-26. Pray for safe travels and for these leaders as they learn more about discipleship and connect with each other for the first time.
  • We received word from World Partners staff in Guinea Dawn Cluckie that her father, Leroy Clark, passed away in Michigan early this morning. Dawn and Bruce plan to leave Guinea for the U.S. on November 18. Pray for Leroy’s wife, Mary, Dawn, and the family as they grieve their loss. Pray also for safe and smooth travels for Dawn and Bruce.
  • Happy Thanksgiving from the World Partners staff! Those of us at World Partners are blessed and thankful for you. The World Partners office will be closed on Thursday, November 22, and Friday, November 23, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

World Partners RSC Nat Brown’s Honduras Trip


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