World Partners Highlights

As this year comes to a close and another year full of promise begins, here is a look at some things taking place through World Partners. Despite the many challenges of this year, we praise the Lord that disciples are being made and multiplied through our staff worldwide.

  • World Partners Director of International Development Rick Dugan is currently leading an online group of eleven people through an introduction to discipleship.
  • In Zambia, World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator Benson Chembe reports of the graduation of leaders in the Mibanse region in Zambia. Benson states, “We have trained these leaders for three years in intentional disciple-making, discipleship multiplication, mentoring and coaching, and leadership development. As we train them we task each one with leading at least two people to Christ. So far, more than 250 lost people have found faith in Christ because of this intentional evangelism project.”
  • In Ecuador, World Partners staff Ana Cristina Bastidas has started a discipleship group with two women from a local nonprofit that rescues women off the streets. These women are employees of this recovery program and will lead discipleship meetings for the women in the program. Ana Cristina also continues to meet with girls at the local detention center, as well as facilitating several additional Bible studies and discipleship groups.
  • A World Partners affiliate and his disciples in Pakistan are ministering to Afghan refugees who have recently arrived in the country. The affiliate and his team are helping the refugees with basic survival needs on a regular basis.
  • A World Partners affiliate in Mongolia recently traveled 1,864 miles to visit the handful of believers who are part of an unreached people group to encourage and spend time with them and teach them how to reach their lost neighbors. These Christians were greatly encouraged by the visit and strengthened in their faith.
  • Thirty-five people were recently baptized in Ivory Coast, West Africa. They are all part of emerging disciple-making communities.
  • Eight women are taking discipleship training in Pakistan, and in six months they plan to travel to surrounding villages to equip and train other women in discipleship and following Christ.
  • In Rwanda, World Partners staff Theo Makombe is training an Ingiro radio ministry team to receive phone calls, discern needs, lead people to Jesus, and follow up with them consistently afterward.
  • A World Partners affiliate reports that a ministry center is growing and new disciples are being made among a new people group in the remote hills of Northeast India.
  • World Partners Regional Strategy Coordinator Nat Brown leads weekly online meetings with the presidents and leaders of the Missionary Churches throughout Latin America.
  • A new Balkan network seems to be emerging throughout Bulgaria, Serbia, and Albania, and World Partners staff and affiliates will be part of this process.



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