World Partners PrayLink

Sylvan William “Pic” Hanson, MARK HANSON’s father, passed away on December 18, 2015. Pray for Mark and family as they continue to grieve their loss.CAMEROON: DAVID BJORK will be leading a discipleship training workshop from January 7-10. The goal of the workshop is the multiplication of disciples who are intentionally seeking to follow Him and model their lifestyle after Christ’s example and teaching. Pray the participants in the workshop will embrace discipleship and begin to make disciples who make disciples.SUDAN: A PARTNER of World Partners is currently discipling a man who fled with his family from Darfur. The man became a Christian as a result of a United Nations aid worker who told him about the Gospel. This disciple shared about Christ with his sister and she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and will be baptized on January 9. Pray for this brother and sister as they continue to be disciple as their family is strict Muslims.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL and DEBBIE JONES on Wednesday, January 6, as they lead seminars on Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Spiritual Warfare for the Bethel College Semester Abroad Team which will soon be traveling to South Africa.UNITED STATES: Pray for THEO and BRIANA MAKOMBE as they speak on January 10 at 6:00 p.m. at Greenville Missionary Church in Greenville, Ohio.AUSTRIA: Pray for an AFFILIATE as he continues to work with refugees and intentionally pursue acts of love and kindness towards them in the name of Christ. The Affiliate requests prayer that “all believers will see global migration as an act of God to move people to our doorsteps of safety where He will use us to make Him known.”UNITED STATES: Pray for a STAFF MEMBER as she helps Shefkie and Sibora with immigration issues. Pray God would open Shefkie to the Gospel. Pray for the staff’s Bible study group which begins on January 22. Pray for the staff member to continue to have openings to speak with a local waitress, Hene, at a restaurant the staff member regularly frequents.IRELAND: Pray for RANDY FUDGE as he will be meeting with a specialist in Ireland this month regarding his diagnosis. Pray his kidney function and energy would increase.UGANDA: CYNDEE BRINK’s father is not doing well. As of now, Cyndee remains in Uganda, but is in communication with her father’s doctor and family members regarding her father’s health. Pray for her father and for Cyndee as she is so far from her father during this time.GUINEA: Praise! The GUINEA TEAM is excited to announce that Guinea has been declared Ebola free! The waiting period without a new Ebola virus case, forty-two days, has been met and confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Guinea is now in a state of heightened sensitivity, where medical personnel are on the lookout for hidden cases or re-occurring cases.


Acorn Banks Shortage


From Being a Refugee to Helping Refugees