Generate Ministries, through the Strengthening Local Church area, helps churches stay on the mission God gave us to make disciples who make disciples.


Here are some of the areas we help churches with:

  • Embracing the Mission of Jesus.

    Looking at how Jesus made disciples to give us clues how to do this. Recapturing the idea of training and sending, not just preaching and teaching.

  • Changing What We Care About.

    To stay On Mission requires several attitude shifts about the church and its people. We look at some of these, along with how we can best set an environment where God can transform minds, hearts and behavior.

  • Recognizing the Responsive.

    Going off the four kinds of seeds Jesus talked about, we apply this to working with people: how can we connect with those seeking God, how do we help people discover the real Jesus, how can we help people grow as disciples of Jesus, and how do we mentor and train disciples to go into the harvest.

  • Intensifying Multiplication.

    In On Mission we deal with two areas here: how do you change your church without blowing it up and how do we take the church to where the people are: apartments, neighborhoods, schools, business, hangouts, etc.

  • Unleashing Communities.

    There are multiple approaches to going to the community, like multi-site (yes, even small churches), church planting, home groups, etc. There are also many kinds of expressions for doing this, like The Table Network, Xcellerate, Field USA, Real Life Discipleship, Missional Communities, etc. We help leaders in established churches see what might best fit their context and vision.

Here is some of the support system we can deliver:

  • Training.

    Training events help people build awareness to new concepts. This training can take many different forms: weekend training events, one day training events, workshops at local churches on various topics, web training events for leaders, etc. Training can be customized to fit the timeframe and need.

  • Two Training Events.

    Our two main training events which touch on most of the On Mission topics are On Mission Basic and On Mission Advanced.

  • Pastor Clusters.

    Monthly coaching events on video calls to encourage and equip pastors in various On Mission

  • Individualized sessions.

    To help pastors short term (3-6 months) work through a selected On Mission area or to consult on a church assessment.

  • Coaching for local church leadership teams.

    These sessions are a couple of hours monthly on site or by video call to help leadership teams work through the On Mission principles.

  • OnMission Sample Training Materials

  • One Mission | Multiple Expressions