It started with a burden to reach young adults. Since then, God has opened doors, flipped the script and completely overhauled nearly every aspect of the Jesus Connection. None of it was planned, all was God-led, and Brittany Ulman wouldn’t change a thing.
As someone whose heart was captured by Jesus when she was a young adult, Brittany longs for other 20-somethings to know the real Jesus and live in bold obedience to Him.
Insert the Jesus Connection (TJC), a young adult disciple-making movement with a vision to reach, equip and grow young adults around Darke County, Ohio, to be the salt and life of the world
Just how is TJC different now than when it first started in August 2020? Well, rather than her main partners being local churches, God connected Brittany with groups like Youth for Christ, Revive Darke County, the Darke County Pregnancy Help Center, and the Ignite Network.
Rather than her support team remaining local, God expanded it to include folks from Tennessee, Florida and Washington, DC. Rather than local churches being the key avenue to meet other young adults, God opened a door at the local gym. As a result, Brittany has met more young adult disciples and those spiritually open through her work as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer than through any local church.
Rather than planning large group events like worship nights, Bible studies, and social events, God opened Brittany’s eyes to His dreams: focus on the one. Sure, that might mean meeting a couple other young women for Bible study or even going to a church service together, but more often it’s meant catching up over coffee, connecting during a personal training session or walking around the local park at 6 am. It’s not what the Church has called discipleship as of late, which is more geared toward getting people into a building, but is instead about following Jesus’ discipleship model and getting to know people.
This ministry approach wasn’t what Brittany anticipated when she started TJC, but she’s grateful God hijacked the plan. Because of His intervention, TJC is more than what it could ever be without Him. When TJC first started, Brittany was meeting with one spiritually open young adult in a one-sided Bible study (she teaching, the other young woman listening). Now, by God’s grace, TJC includes multiple relationships with young adults in various faith stages, connections with a variety of organizations and an approach that has crossed denominational lines.
The Jesus Connection is far different than what Brittany first envisioned, and Lord-willing, it will continue to exceed all human expectations. To God be the glory!
Darke county Pregnancy Help Center 2022 prayer walk
Brittany & others during the prayer walk