24/7 Prayer for Shift National Conference

After listing the pieces of armor and urging his readers to wear them, Paul added these words of instruction: And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints – Ephesians 6:18.All kinds of prayers, on all occasions, always praying for all of the saints – Paul instructed the Church that prayer was to permeate every part of their lives.This summer, pastors and delegates will gather in Fort Wayne for Shift – National Conference. Preparations are underway. Reservations for workshops and hotel rooms are being made and time is being set aside for this biennial event.The greatest preparation we can make for these days together is prayer. In order to prepare our hearts and seek God for His will and guidance during these days together, we are calling for a week of 24/7 prayer for the conference.On Monday, July 3,beginning at 1:00 PM, President Steve Jones and the directors will launch the 24/7 prayer.  This will be a virtual prayer meeting – done via Zoom – similar to Skype. Participants will be able to connect by computer or by phone to participate in this week of prayer.We are encouraging churches to sign-up for one hour during that week.  That means at least 168 churches committing to pray for one hour.  It would be great to have at least 6 on line during each hour. That would mean that we would have more than 1000 people praying for national conference.Sign-ups are open NOW! You can sign-up and secure your spot by going to www.mcusa.org/prayer.  If you have questions or have any difficulty please feel free to email me at prayfirst@mcusa.org.Imagine what God might do if we unite our hearts in prayer in preparation for this week of conference!




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