Collegiate Day of Prayer

THE SITUATION: Imagine being away from home, perhaps for the first time, and being on your own more than you have ever been in your life. You may already feel the pressures of mounting student debt. Classes are a bit more challenging than they were in high school. Perhaps new relationships have not developed as easily as you hoped. In addition, you are trying to balance study time, a job, relationships, extra-curricular activities, and still have a focus on your relationship with Christ. 

BETHEL ATMOSPHERE: The overall feel on campus is good and students are seeking the Lord, but despite these positives, students still request prayer regarding loneliness, anxiety, stress, classes, work, connecting with others, spiritual growth, and financial help. Bethel and its students and faculty are an important extension of the ministry of the Missionary Church. These students and faculty need the same prayer support we give to missionaries and church planters.

INTERCESSORS NEEDED: In addition to the prayer requests above, pray that God would make Bethel a hotbed of revival that might echo throughout the entire denomination and beyond. Pray that students will come to a personal, saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, be sanctified in character, and live a life worthy of their calling as followers of Jesus. Intercede on behalf of the university. Adopt a professor or staff member to bring before the Lord faithfully. Adopt a student and intercede on their behalf.

PARTICIPATE: There are at least two additional ways you can become involved in praying for Bethel. 

  1. Join one or more COLLEGIATE DAY OF PRAYER activities on campus on February 23:

    • Pray with students at the Helm at 9:00 AM

    • Pray for students, faculty, and staff in the president’s dining room at noon.

    • Pray with students at prayer stations that will be open around the campus from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

    • Meet at the Helm again at 7:00 PM for a time of prayer for the spiritual life of Bethel and the Missionary Church. This will be followed by worship in the Shiloh Prayer Chapel.

  2. Make Bethel a focus for prayer in your worship service on BETHEL DAY in the MISSIONARY CHURCH on Sunday, February 26.

The ASBURY REVIVAL was mostly a student movement that began at Asbury College on February 3, 1970, and spread throughout the country. It may not have been as broad as some revivals but had a huge impact on some who are currently serving in leadership in the Missionary Church. Could such a revival begin at Bethel? Would you be a part of preparing the way for a move of God’s Spirit by faithfully praying? 

For more info on COLLEGIATE DAY OF PRAYER go to


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