Dr. Bill Hossler releases new book

Have you longed for some guidelines to help in discovering God’s will for your life? Divine GPS will provide some markers in sorting out the various voices, plans and feelings about your next move.

This book is about getting directions for life - particularly at those times when the right decisions are critical or when choosing the right fork in the road makes a huge difference in the final outcome of where we end up. Whether you are a young person seeking direction for college, deciding whom to marry, or widowed and wondering what you do now, Divine GPS will help you work through the process of your transition.

Divine GPS is a composite of some of the truths Bill has discovered in his spiritual journey of seeking and finding the will of God. You may be asking, “What do I do now? Where do I go from here?” “What did I do wrong?” and “Did I miss God’s will?” These questions are not wrong, weird or uncommon, but you don’t have to live in a state of confusion. If God has a new direction for your life, Bill believes God wants to help you find it.

God reveals His will in different ways and it may not be the same way each time you search. You can learn something new about walking with God whenever you ask the question, “Lord, what do you want me to do now?”

You can order the Ebook from Amazon.com by inserting Divine GPS in the Amazon search line. Hard copy books are available from Key Ministries at 1-888-333- KEYS,  www.todayskey.net, or from Amazon.com. (Hard copy book will be available after May 4)

Bill Hossler is currently pastor at the Evergreen Church near Grand Rapids, MI. He pastored in Port Huron, MI for nearly 25 years, served as a District Superintendent in OH and then President of the Missionary Church - an evangelical denomination committed to world missions and church planting. Bill has traveled extensively in more than sixty countries and written four books. Bill is also the voice for the daily radio broadcast of Today’s Key to Confident Living, which is heard on over a hundred stations in the United States and South America. Bill and his wife, Margaret, live just outside Grand Rapids, MI.

Divine GPS makes a great graduation gift.


Global Prayer Network | May 1, 2016


Global Prayer Network | April 26, 2016