Fall Quarter Enrollment: September - October - November

Registration deadline is Sunday, August 9, 2020.


Whether pursuing MC credentials or seeking spiritual development, meeting prescribed educational requirements or selectively cherry-picking, PLI courses could provide just what you're looking for! All courses meet weekly in an online classroom and include required reading, assigned writing, and hands-on projects.

Level One

PL271: Fundamentals of Church Leadership

Tuition: $200eProf: Allen TyndallTuesdays, 8:00pm EasternStart Date: September 1, 2020

This course explores the principles of Christian leadership that create the underpinnings of every successful local church. Students examine leadership principles from a Biblical basis and learn to apply those principles to specific local church situations so that they become adept at exercising active leadership. One student said of this course, “The textbook knowledge came alive by applying it to ministry. After every chat session, I was so pumped I wanted to go out (at 11:00pm) and change the world right on the spot!”

PL531: Biblical TheologyTuition: $200eProf: Phil CarderThursdays, 8:00pm EasternStart Date: September 3, 2020

This course introduces the content, discipline, and practical application of biblical theology that is foundational for a biblical worldview, practical ministry, and systematic theology. The theology of the entire Bible is considered, as well as many of the major themes from Genesis through Revelation, emphasizing how the two testaments connect to produce one unified “Big Picture” view.

Level Two

PL351: Teaching Methods & Christian Education AdministrationTuition: $200eProf: John OelzeMondays, 8:00pm EasternStart Date: September 14, 2020

Covering issues related to developing a church-wide spiritual formation track, this course zeroes in on developing relevant avenues for spiritual growth and critiquing contemporary communicators to aid in fostering one’s skills for effective, relevant teaching and leadership in the local church setting.PL631: Spiritual WarfareTuition: $200eProf: Nana CouffieThursdays, 8:00pm EasternStart Date: September 3, 2020This crash course in spiritual warfare boils down to two core principles (authority and legal ground) and includes developing a biblical worldview, knowing our identity in Christ, clarifying warfare terminology and concepts, understanding generational issues, dealing with the occult, breaking soul ties, emphasizing forgiveness, and establishing a freedom ministry in the local church. 

¡Las clases también se ofrecen en Español! Por favor de contactar a José Méndez para recibir más información. josemendez@mcusa.org 

Audit any course for just $100No grade or credit, submission of assignments not required, participate as much or little as desired.


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