This could be one of the most challenging school years that students and school administrators have faced. If and when students are able to return to school, they will likely be faced with some form of social distancing and perhaps be required to wear some form of face covering. In many regions of the country, they will also face racial, social, and political tensions.

We dare not fail to pray for our schools and students. We also need to encourage students to take the lead in praying for their classmates and administrators.

See You at the Pole (SYATP) started in Burleson, Texas, in 1990 and is now a global movement of Christian students, burdened for their schools and classmates, who gather around the flagpole early in the school year for a time of prayer and worship.

I personally remember standing with my son in 1992 as a small group of students gathered at the flagpole of his school in Ohio to pray. I have witnessed these gatherings at other schools and in some cases have been encouraged as large groups of students gathered to pray.

On September 23, 2020, at 7 AM, it would be great to see every school in the country with a group of students, parents, and pastors gathered to pray. Keep in mind that this is a student-led prayer meeting.

Some things to consider:

  • Inform your principal about See You at the Pole
  • Decide the time you will gather if different from the nationally publicized time
  • Decide where you will gather
  • Make an alternative plan should weather be an issue
  • Invite Christian organizations to join you
  • Help students promote See You at the Pole

There is a complete list of resources and guidelines on the SYATP website.

In addition to participating in SYATP, consider prayer walking the campuses of schools where the students in your church attend. In some cases, principals will allow you to come into the school before school begins and prayer walk the halls. These are great opportunities to impact the next generation.


Fall Quarter Enrollment: September - October - November
