God’s Saving Grace

World Partners staff, Theo and Briana Makombe, are involved in community outreach and discipleship in Rukumbeli, Rwanda.They report about a girl, Donat, who had a reputation for being the wildest girl in the village. Rumors were spread about her and she was looked down upon.They began to witness to and disciple her on a regular basis. She gave her life to Christ and turned her entire life around.After she gave her life to Christ she worked with Theo and Briana to bring her alcoholic father to the Lord. He was a severe alcoholic and had been living apart from Donat’s mother and his wife for over ten years.It took time, but he cleaned up his act, moved back in with his family, and repented. He accepted Christ.Donat and her father were baptized together recently. Now the community sees clearly who the Makombes are and that anything is possible through God.




Penang Flood Relief Fund