Help Needed

Do you like working with kids? Would you like to help World Partners missionaries who are in the U.S. on Home Ministry Assignment? If you answered “yes” and live in southern Michigan, northern Indiana, or northwest Ohio then we have the perfect opportunity for you!World Partners is seeking an individual or two who would like to run a mini Vacation Bible School from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with crafts, games, and snacks for the missionary kids during the World Partners retreat July 17-19 in Sturgis, Michigan.The dozen or so kids range in age from 2-10 and all will attend VBS while the parents are in informational meetings for the morning. The adults gather their children after the morning session in time for lunch and naps.If you or someone you know could serve our MKs in this way or if you would like more information, please contact Abby Luginbill at


30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
