The following World Partners staff members will be in the U.S. for home ministry assignment* (HMA), sharing their ministries and renewing relationships with family, friends, and supporting churches:Rick and Madara Dugan – Cyprus  Now  – January 12, 2016Edward and Hia Kim – Germany Now – January 26, 2016Theo and Briana Makombe – Rwanda Raising Initial SupportDavid and Grace McBrier – Hungary  Now - December 15, 2015Jeff and Shauna Spence – Mongolia Now – March 1, 2016The following staff members are based in the United States and are also available on an ongoing basis throughout the year:Wayne and Carolyn Allen Asia Nat and Donna Brown RSC for Latin America/CaribbeanPaul and Young Choi International College Student MinistrySteve and Sheila Harrigan Ethnic MinistriesBill and Debbie Jones Bethel College Liaisons*Due to security issues some names are not included. There will be additional World Partners staff members returning to the U.S. for home ministry assignment in the summer of 2016. To invite any of these missionaries to speak at your church, contact Jennifer Platt at jenniferlplatt@gmail.com for contact information.Contact Tami Swymeler at swymelers@frontier.com if your congregation would like to provide financial support for one or more of the missionaries noted above.


From Being a Refugee to Helping Refugees


Wise Men and Dogs...and you