Hurricane Matthew and Haiti

Haiti was hit hard by Hurricane Matthew on October 7, 2016. It killed hundreds and destroyed crucial infrastructure in the country displacing thousands of individuals. Haiti was still recovering from a catastrophic earthquake which occurred in 2010.Radio Lumiere has six installations and towers in the country which were damaged, but local Christian programming continues to air on a limited schedule.While the Missionary Churches of Haiti were not affected many of their sister churches were. You may have wondered why World Partners has not helped with bringing relief to Haiti at this time of crisis. We are excited to report that the main reason is because the Missionary Church of Haiti is helping those churches and individuals who have been affected.The Missionary Church of Haiti will assist with the rebuilding of churches, schools, and homes. Even after the immediate needs are met, challenges lie ahead. All the gardens and crops have been destroyed and many of the farm animals were killed through drowning or by the wind. Flooding also polluted the water supplies and spread germs. Long term restoration will be needed, and the Missionary Church of Haiti will be part of the long term solution.Please pray for the Missionary Church of Haiti as they work with their communities to rebuild what Hurricane Matthew destroyed.


Spreading the Gospel in a Different Way


PrayLink | November 22, 2016