It is a Prayer Awakening

I had the privilege of attending the Tuesday night prayer meeting at the Brooklyn Tabernacle a few years ago with some friends. We arrived around noon and was served lunch by some of the staff. We spent most of the afternoon asking questions about the prayer ministry of this great church.The prayer meeting was to begin at 7:00 PM. Doors opened at 5:00 for people already lined up to enter the building. Many came and knelt at the altar for long periods of time before taking a seat. That night 1700 people came through the doors for a prayer meeting. There was a time of worship at the beginning and then we went to prayer. The service concluded around 9:00 PM.If you know the story of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, you know that the church and this prayer meeting were not built on some great strategy. Their only strategy was to pray – to seek the heart of God. They were in a place of desperation and as they called out to God, He answered. They began to be AWAKENED to the power of God through prayer.Prayer is better caught than taught. When the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him to teach them to pray it was because their journey with Him had AWAKENED them to the relationship that Jesus had with the Father and AWAKENED them to the power He had through prayer. As the disciples met after the ascension of Jesus, their natural response was to pray because they had been AWAKENED to what God could do if they called on Him.Prayer strategies are great. Prayer programs are helpful but if hearts are not AWAKENED the presence and power of God, the strategies and programs will simply be additional activities on the menu of activities that we give the church to choose from.The PRAYER AWAKENING is an opportunity for pastors, church leaders and prayer coordinators to come away and allow the Holy Spirit to stir their hearts – to have their hearts rekindled with a passion for the Lord through prayer. Could there be an awakening as we seek to restore the Shekinah glory in the Church; as we rebuild the foundations of corporate prayer; repair the altar in the church; look at Jesus’ call to corporate prayer; and as we consider what it is to move the hand of God.This is not about as much about an AWAKENING to prayer but rather a fresh AWAKENING to the Lord through prayer.Could it be that God wants to bring an AWAKENING to your church? Register at:


