Pastoral Leadership Institute | March 31, 2016

New LOWER tuition effective March 1.Whether pursuing MC credentials or improving your serve, meeting prescribed educational requirements or selectively cherry-picking, PLI courses could provide just what you're looking for! All courses include weekly two-hour, online chats as well as required reading, assigned writing, and hands-on projects.

Registration deadline is Sunday, April 24, 2016.
Click here to enroll or contact for more details.

Level One
PL111: Biblical Interpretation

Tuition: $200eProf: Nana Couffie, PhD (Philosophy)Tuesdays, 8:00pm EasternWith an emphasis on the inductive approach to biblical interpretation, this course introduces students to methods of Bible study and to the principles of biblical interpretation. What do students say? “The assignments made me go beyond the surface.” “I looked forward to weekly chats.” “I really enjoyed this course!”PL221: Systematic Theology 2Tuition: $200eProf: Jim Carder, MA, PhDThursdays, 8:00pm EasternWhat does the Bible say about the person of the Holy Spirit, the Church, and the end times? Roll up your sleeves for the second half of our two-part systematic theology courses. Rev. Dr. Jim Carder – seasoned pastor, university professor, and ardent Detroit Tigers fan – again helps students arrange the puzzle pieces in an orderly, logical fashion to solidify why they believe what they believe. [Prerequisite: Systematic Theology 1]Level TwoPL371: Missions and the ChurchTuition: $200eProf: Wayne Allen, MA, PhD (Missiology)Mondays, 8:00pm EasternGod’s ultimate purpose in the world is to reveal His glory through the establishment of His Kingdom by the healing of the nations (Rev. 22:2), and the Church is the instrument of that healing. Come discover your role in the big picture.

Audit any course for just $100No grade or credit, submission of assignments not required, participate as much or little as desired.

Global Prayer Network | April 3, 2016


PrayLink | March 30, 2016