I was talking with a school teacher who teaches in a city school. He told me that a majority of his students do not have an “intact” family. Most do not have a father figure and are often being raised by a single mom or a grandmother. Some of his students do not know where their next meal will come from or where they will spend the night. They may find a friend who will allow them to spend the night but they sometimes spend the night outside in whatever shelter they can find.Aside from those family dynamics, students face other challenges as well. Students regularly receive instruction that is inconsistent with a Christian world view. In some cases they encounter teachers who are borderline hostile to the Christian faith. Peer pressure to use drugs and/or become sexually active is huge. Perhaps one of the greatest mission fields in America is the public school. In just a few weeks classes will resume all across the country. You can make a difference.1. Pray for teachers - pray for those who are believers that God will use them to make a difference. Pray for those who are not believers that God will touch their lives2. Adopt a teacher - let them know you are praying for them3. Pray for students - especially those of your church - let them know you are praying for them. One of the greatest blessings I had as a teenager was an elderly woman from my home church who regularly reminded me of her prayers for me.4. Pray for your local schools - their leadership, teachers and students. Pray for protection and for God’s presence.5. Pray for God’s blessing on those Christian clubs that meet on your school’s campus that God will use them to touch the lives of many students.It is easy to become critical of the school system, of teachers, administrators and students but rather than criticize we can PRAYFIRST! Then watch as God works to change lives.


Missionary Church of the United States of Mexico


RSCs, SHIFT Conference, and Retreat