Prayer Matters

Each month I have the privilege of hosting conference calls with local church prayer coordinators and pastors.  In all the years I have been involved, there has never been a large group on any one of the calls. There are some who are on the calls every month. Others participate when their schedules allow. One of the blessings is listening to answers to prayer.

For months one prayer coordinator had shared concerns that the young couples in the church would step up and become involved. It was a deep burden on her heart. Recently, her church launched a new outreach ministry that is being run primarily by young couples who have stepped up to take responsibility. Prayer matters.

In our November conference call a prayer coordinator shared about the upcoming Christmas program. We discussed the value of having those Christmas performances covered in prayer. She began to recruit people to pray for each of the performances. The result: twelve people made a decision to trust Christ as Savior; four others rededicated their lives to Christ. Prayer matters.

Another prayer coordinator shared about their pastor going through a really difficult time and yet because of the prayers of the people, God was giving him special grace and strength. Prayer matters.

These are just a couple of stories. I know that across the denomination there are men, women and young people who know the power and importance of prayer – people who are praying for their pastors; their churches and their communities. Because of those praying people, God is responding and answering prayer.

We spend too little time celebrating answers to prayer and for that matter, too little time giving thanks for answers to prayer. Stories of answered prayer fuel the prayer warrior. They also encourage the new believer who is just testing this privilege of prayer.

I would love to hear stories of how God has answered prayer in your church; your life; and your ministry. Feel free to let me know what God is doing in answer to your prayers or the prayers of your people. You can email them to me at

Prayer matters – celebrate the answers!


As the students go, so goes our nation! If we win the spiritual battles across our nation but neglect our college campuses, all our progress will be undone in a generation. Therefore, students today need our support and earnest prayers. However, college students don’t just need more prayer, they need our UNITED prayer. Without a greater degree of genuine, unified prayer, our hopes and dreams for this generation may never be realized.

The 2018 Collegiate Day of Prayer (CDOP) is February 22. Pray for Bethel College, for her staff and leadership. If you live in a community that has a college or university, consider setting aside time to pray for that school. If you have students attending college or university, set aside time to pray for those students and their school. Don’t just pray on February 22. Pray consistently for them. For more information on adopting a college campus go to:


Thirty-Five Years in the Making


Sacrificial Love