World Partners PrayLink

Does your Sunday school teacher or small group leader need a break in December? Regional Strategy Coordinator for Europe RICK DUGAN is in Fort Wayne, Indiana, now through January 12 and would be happy to help you out. December 27 and January 10 are already taken, but he’s available other weekends or weekdays. Perhaps your group would benefit from a discussion on the future of missions, discipleship in a secular environment, terrorism or refugees. Contact Rick at Pam, JOSH HAWKINS’ aunt, unexpectedly passed away on Monday, November 30. Pray for Pam’s husband, Elliot, and their children, Bethany and Greg. Pray for the family as they grieve this loss and for the Hawkins as they are far from his family during this difficult time.Sierra Leone: STEVE HARRIGAN and Steve Schrenk are in Sierra Leone for the next three weeks. During their time there, they will be laying out a “road map” for the ways the believers in Sierra Leone can be helped. There has been much heartache due to the Ebola virus and the collapse of the local economy. However, with that, there is a hunger for God’s Word and they want to find ways to offer physical and spiritual healing in the days ahead. Steve requests prayer for safety for them and their families remaining in the U.S. while they are absent. Pray the Holy Spirit would guide their conversations and open doors for individuals to whom they can minister. Pray the believers would catch a vision for making disciples and embracing the blessings the Lord has given to them. Pray for growing partnerships among Kingdom minded believers and unity in the Body of Christ.CYPRUS: Pray for IVAN and ZANA KALABRIC as they are involved in the Caritas Migrants Center working with victims of human trafficking, refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of labor exploitation. Pray for those the Kalabrics come into contact with as well as the volunteers they serve with, who are interested in humanism and good works, but do not know the love of Christ.SUDAN: Praise! A PARTNER of World Partners is seeing Nubian refugees coming to Christ in great multitudes due to his ministry. His mission field is composed of families who have lost everything due to a civil war and are living under difficult circumstances. The partner and his ministry partners are reaching these individuals with both physical and spiritual foods.SPAIN: DON and JUDY DAY are currently in Jijona, Spain through this Friday. Pray for the Days as they will spend their time in Jijona praising God and inviting Him to come into the village, which has a population of 7600.UNITED STATES: Pray for BILL JONES as he meets this Thursday with other pastors in the area to study and discuss discipleship. Pray for unity of spirit and that they would encourage each other.THAILAND: Pray for SHAUN and ANGIE FUTCH as they are involved in a Christmas outreach on December 6. Pray also for Angie as she disciples two second grade girls every Tuesday afternoon.UNITED STATES: A STAFF MEMBER has been helping a woman who is not currently open to hearing about the Gospel with an immigration issue. Pray the staff member’s witness to the woman will touch her heart and that she will want to know more about Jesus.UNITED STATES: Praise! A STAFF MEMBER and her roommates hosted an American Thanksgiving celebration for their international English conversation students and thirty students from Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, Brazil, and Columbia attended. Pray for the staff member as she continues to get to know these students and show the love of Christ to them.Click here to like World Partners on FacebookClick here to join World Partners on TwitterCheck out the World Partners website at!


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