World Partners Latino

WPLatino is a fresh effort within World Partners to create more engagement with our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters when it comes to global disciple-making.

The Hispanic parts of our Missionary Church family are growing in both numbers and zeal. We believe their global mission potential is critical and mostly untapped, beyond the Americas.

But, given our history, World Partners is naturally more accessible and suited to Anglo culture. WPLatino is both an acknowledgement of this fact and an attempt to discover ways to better meet the needs of everyone we seek to send.

We welcome Carlos and Ruth Medina as our newest World Partners missionaries! As the WPLatino Team Leader, Carlos will work closely with World Partners leaders and an Advisory Committee of leading Hispanic voices in our denomination family to create more global mission engagement. WPLatino is not separate, but a vital part of the global, ethnically diverse World Partners family.

Join us in praying for the Lord to raise up six Latino missionaries in this next year through the efforts of WPLatino! Please consider a financial gift to help the Medinas raise their remaining support at

To learn more about WPLatino, check out

Photo: Carlos and Ruth Medina


Discipleship: Changing the Tapestry of Life in South Asia
